Welcome to Bunge Marathon!

We recognize the importance of physical fitness in enabling individuals to perform optimally and maintain a healthy appearance. For efficient and effective implementation of the mandate of the National Assembly, the well-being of Members of Parliament and Secretariat staff is paramount. Maintaining good health and mental clarity are crucial for fulfilling our responsibilities with excellence.

Collaboration is ingrained in our ethical principles, promoting efficient task execution through teamwork. In line with these principles, the Parliament of Tanzania launched "Bunge Bonanza" sports and games events, commenced in January 2023. These events are designed to encourage exercising habit among Members of Parliament and Secretariat Staff, at the same time fostering better workplace relationships and enhancing our well-being.

Following the enthusiastic response from the participants and various stakeholders during the previous events, The Speaker of the National Assembly, Hon. Dr. Tulia Ackson (Mp), proudly invites you to be part of our first "Bunge Marathon" on Saturday 13th April 2024. This initiative aims to further engage stakeholders and the general public, expanding community involvement in our parliamentary activities as well as achieving a noble cause of fostering development in our communities.

Join us in embracing a culture of health, collaboration and self-reliance spirit as we embark on this exciting journey together through your sponsorship and participation!.